Adding a New Species to Flukebook!

Would it be possible to add long-finned pilot whales as an option to the list of recognized species in Flukebook? We are looking to try the general matching algorithm and the only options currently are short-finned pilot whales or unknown globicephala - neither of which would be accurate.


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Hi @ezwamborn

We have an existing Feature Request for Long-finned pilot whales. Based on the email thread we’re on, it sounds like this species is already on our radar and Jason will confirm if it gets implemented in Flukebook.

@Anastasia Okay, sounds good. Do you know what kind of time frame these requests take - just for interest sake.

We will be publishing an Icelandic pilot whale catalogue this June which we had hoped to try Flukebook for final matching in April, but if requests take longer than we will have to revert back to hand matching for now. No rush, but just curious as that will change our workflow plan.


The short answer is it depends. :sweat_smile:

Sometimes existing detection algorithms can detect new species right away and sometimes a custom algorithm is needed. Jason is in the best position to address whether it could be ready before your publishing deadline. It looks like he hasn’t given a status update since January, so follow up with him in the email thread so you can plan your next steps.

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I did follow up via email! Fingers crossed! Thanks again for your quick answers :slight_smile:

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Updating this to confirm this is in progress.

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Thank you! We are just getting ready to upload our first bulk import :slight_smile:

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This was added a while back, but I forgot to update this post. :sweat_smile: