Some search results include a lot of filters. Prior to the new look and feel, you could perform a filter on the “search encounters” or “search individuals”, and that would produce the table of results. Then you could simply hit refresh and it would refresh the results.
Since the new look and feel has been released, hitting refresh does not refresh the results, but sends you back to the search criteria to then re-fill all the filters back in.
This takes up a lot of time and makes it much harder for me to manage workload. Please could you fix this bug?
This is what I was referring to before when I said Encounter Search indexing will be slow while we continue to work on cleaning up the dust from the server upgrade. When this is resolved, I’ll update the News Room post.
Although this is a late response, I share the same feeling and experience. I’m finding it challenging to search for an encounter, it’s a bit confusing as I’m getting back to it after two weeks away.
Is there a walkthrough video available to help admins navigate the new look?