Sighting preparation failed

In which Wildbook did the issue occur? zebra codex

What operating system were you using? (eg. MacOS 10.15.3)

What web browser were you using? (eg. Chrome 79)

What is your role on the site? (admin, researcher, etc)

What happened?
sighting preparation failed

What did you expect to happen?
to finish the identification process

What are some steps we could take to reproduce the issue?

If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to with the email subject line matching your bug report

Thanks for letting us know! We’re still researching this and I will let you know as soon as I have an update.

Thanks for your patience! You should be able to assign annotations now.

Thank you but am not able to commit those sightings. Attached find the error.


Thanks for letting me know it’s still misbehaving. I’ll let you know as soon as I have an update.

@Rosemary, were you working on a Sighting from John’s import, or was this part of the import from your previous issue?

It’s from the previous issue not John’s

OK, thanks for clarifying! I’m going to move those posts into your thread so we don’t confuse the two issues.

OK, we were able to fix this so that the sighting was committed. If you run into this again, can you email me a list the affected sightings so we can try to fix them all at once?

Hi Anastasia,
I think it’s a problem with all sightings that I uploaded on these dates.

None of them is going through, the same error as the past issue.

Do you mean the dates of the pending sightings in the screenshots (November 28 and 29, 2023) or the dates of the bulk imports in progress (May 13 and 15, 2024)?

Sightings from Nov 28 and Nov 29, uploaded on May 13 and 15.

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Got it; thank you for the quick reply!

Do you mind emailing me your spreadsheets for these two imports? Since search is being difficult, having the spreadsheets will help us make sure we’ve reviewed all of the imported sightings.

Resolved with code update and additional troubleshooting over email.

Thanks, Anastasia, for solving that problem. The below 6 sightings still has issues. Kindly assist.

Sighting d25a5138-8a23-40d0-9196-e9b2b44dd745 • Zebra Codex (
Sighting db1fb687-644d-45c6-9143-bc4b61527ad6 • Zebra Codex (
Sighting f172490f-f98c-4c04-b83c-fdf56e9c4658 • Zebra Codex (
Sighting a25fde68-1a37-40f1-91d1-2ffc9c53e48a • Zebra Codex (
Sighting d85a3e75-ab7a-462f-b3fc-bc3d17967c85 • Zebra Codex (
Sighting c2c34cb3-f7ed-4925-a3be-38ab170d538c • Zebra Codex (

Thanks Anastasia,

The 3 waiting sightings are still not yet through.

Thanks; I’ll get those looked into. The ones that had the detection error were re-run and completed detection.

Ok, these should be ready now: