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I meant as of this morning it had the latest upgrade. The new React pages mean that the site wouldn’t load certain site elements unless the browser’s cache was cleared when viewing old jsp pages.

Can you give me a list of other users who’ve run into this or have them comment in this thread? You and I both have admin permissions and I can see the available algorithms on each of the examples you’ve shared, so this is likely not role-related. The more details I have to work with (especially if other users are involved) the better likelihood of a resolution.

Hi Anastasia,

Are you looking at the reduced image that has been created from the spot mapping function as in the image below:

The other users use my login on their own computers. Andrew Niewenhof would be one but he doesn’t have a log in for himself.

I don’t know what to do; I feel we are going around in circles, and nothing is being fixed…

Can you confirm you are clicking on match results on the IMAGE I have selected and included in this message and from this encounter:

Do you see the algorithms when you select start match? I don’t and this is stopping us using sharkbook.

Help would be greatly appreciated.



@jason for visibility

Ah, no I had tried it from the image with the annotation. My understanding is that because there’s no annotation in the first image (because it’s a spot map), there’s nothing here for it to start ID. You’d need to do it from the whole-body annotation in the image next to it.

Were you previously able to see algorithm options from the spot-mapped clip on the left?

Hi Anastasia,

Yes indeed; this is how it has always been done and is definitely more accurate than using the entire animal than the AI generated annotation so we should be able to have the option.

Here is a video made by Jason showing us how to use hotspotter:

This is also used for leopard sharks, and now that option has been taken away because of the issue I have described with no algorithm configured. We are finding that the Miew is not as accurate with leopards as the spot mapped hotspotter. It may be if Miew can also use a selected area and not the AI generated area.

Please can this be added again so we can use hotspotter?



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Thanks for following up! We’ve been digging in more today and found the source of the problem and are working to fix it. I’ll let you know when there’s an update (or feel free to check in if you don’t hear back before the end of the week).

Ok, this should be fixed now. I clicked “start match” on the image with the keyword and the algorithms display now.

Hi Anastasia,

It works!! Thank you!!

Although, one more issue is that the searches always return an ‘error initiating IA job’ message and don’t produce results. I ran five and they all came up with the same error. Four links below:

Could you help with this now please.



I think this may have been a WBIA hiccup. I just re-ran ID on these annotations and got match results back:
Keyword annotations

Hi Anastasia,

Thank you for looking into this for me.

I have just run a new encounter and an old identified encounter (same shark different image) and unfortunately I am getting the same IA error; this is for both the annotation and spot pattern.

Links are here:

Could you have a look at why we are still getting this error message please?

Thank you


I’m not seeing any obvious issue, so I’m going to chalk it up to WBIA being fickle today. I re-ran both encounters for annotations and keywords and have gotten match results back on each so far.

  1. Encounter: Sharkbook: Wildbook for Sharks
    annotation results | keyword results

  2. Encounter: Sharkbook: Wildbook for Sharks
    annotation results | keyword results

Hi Anastasia,

Those links did work for me too so that is positive. However I just uploaded two new sharks and got the same IA error message :o(

Here are the links to the two new uploads. On these the annotated images ran fine but the spot mapped ones ran for ages and then created an error.

Hoping we can fix this soon!

Thank you


I sent both keyword images back to ID and I got a match on the first one. The second one is still processing. If you see this happen again, can you try starting a new match from the image to see if that kick-starts things?

Hi Anastasia,

It’s not working; I’m not sure how you are getting it to work but I have started a new match three times on two different uploads and it just has the same IA error - sigh, this is very demotivating.

Here are the two new encounters:

Please can you have a look at the spot pattern images and see why they are coming up with this error constantly.

It’s been many weeks of back and forth now trying to get this to work and if we could get it going that would be amazing. I know we have fixed a few issues so far and this is for the best.

Thank you, I appreciate your help and time!


I haven’t done anything special; I just select “start a new match” from the keyword image menu and it loads results for MiewID after a couple of minutes (a bit longer for Hotspotter). These are the results from the keyword image of the first link: Sharkbook: Wildbook for Sharks

That said, we restarted multiple Wildbooks’ WBIA instances this morning because of a misconfigured detection issue. We’re continuing to monitor things, but if you want to do a screenshare with me to troubleshoot in real-time, I’ll email you a link to schedule time with me.

Thanks for meeting with me today! Over the call we determined that you’re seeing the same issue reported here in Flukebook where selecting a top-level location and it’s sub-regions does not return match results, but the default location ID on the encounter does. I’ll write a ticket for this issue and post the link here when it’s ready.

No worries! Was so nice to meet you and thank you for everything you do for us!

Speak soon


Quick update: We’ve discovered that the single-digit location ID names in Sharkbook (like 2, 7, etc.) are what’s causing the matching issues you reported. We’ll be working on fixing the location ID names in Sharkbook as part of the Wildbook 10.7.0 release and this will fix the matching errors when checking for matches with multiple location IDs.

Thanks Anastasia!

Hi @drobinson

We’ve just finished updating location ID names in Sharkbook. Can you let me know if you’re still getting errors if trying to match against multiple locations?