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@jason for visibility

Ah, no I had tried it from the image with the annotation. My understanding is that because there’s no annotation in the first image (because it’s a spot map), there’s nothing here for it to start ID. You’d need to do it from the whole-body annotation in the image next to it.

Were you previously able to see algorithm options from the spot-mapped clip on the left?

Hi Anastasia,

Yes indeed; this is how it has always been done and is definitely more accurate than using the entire animal than the AI generated annotation so we should be able to have the option.

Here is a video made by Jason showing us how to use hotspotter:

This is also used for leopard sharks, and now that option has been taken away because of the issue I have described with no algorithm configured. We are finding that the Miew is not as accurate with leopards as the spot mapped hotspotter. It may be if Miew can also use a selected area and not the AI generated area.

Please can this be added again so we can use hotspotter?

