Alternate ID not populating on Marked Individual page

In which Wildbook did the issue occur? ACW & Whiskerbook

What operating system were you using? Win11

What web browser were you using? latest chrome

What is your role on the site? admin & researcher

What happened?
AlternateID is not getting populated in the Marked Individual page:

Marked Individual: Wildbook for Carnivores
Encounters assigned to that same individual that have alternate IDs:
Wildbook for Carnivores | Login
Wildbook for Carnivores | Login

I also had an example from Whiskerbook but the user is deleting that import so it’s not available anymore.

The reason this is important is that being able to see which alternate ID(s) have been assigned to the new Marked Individual ID allows users to find and correct the errors in their source ID kits without having to open each encounter to see what the alternate ID is. One user is uploading more than 2 decades of historical imagery so there could be dozens or more, encounters per ID’d individual, which would make opening each encounter to check the alternate ID take a very long time.


cc: @PaulK

It looks like this affects all Wildbooks; thanks for reporting it!

Here’s the ticket link: Alternate ID missing from encounter table of Marked Individual page · Issue #636 · WildMeOrg/Wildbook · GitHub