BUG - Password reset

In which Wildbook did the issue occur? SHARKBOOK.AI

I had this issue reported to me by another user in Sharkbook so I repeated the steps to see if the bug was affecting me too. It is.

The issue is password reset.

Whilst you can reset the password, and it sends you an email to put in your new password, it refuses to accept it. No matter how many times you reset the password.

What is even weirder is that on the original browser it accepts the old password.

Hi @Sarah_Aus_SpotaShark

Thanks. We’ll look for the bug.


@Sarah_Aus_SpotaShark I wasn’t able to replicate this. Can you clarify what you mean when you say it refuses to accept it? If there is an error message displayed, what does it say? It would also help to know which browser this happened in.

Hi Anastasia

The users affected are myself, Sean Barker, Vishal Shenoy. All of us are experiencing this - for me, I am trying to log in from my phone and my partner’s laptop but it does not let me log in, despite me changing password. Weirdly, my original browser (i have not refreshed cache for fear I get locked out) will still let me in under the old password.

For Vishal, his issue is similar to mine. He has access on his work computer, but when he tries to set up access on his home computer it will not let him in.

For Sean, his issue is that he genuinely has forgotten password and has tried password reset multiple times with no luck.

It is almost like the system does not recognise us on new computers, and does not let us change passwords.

I can try manually changing your passwords and emailing them to you after verifying that I can sign into your accounts with them. Will that work for you? Then when you sign in, you can go to your profile and manually change the password yourself.

This should solve the immediate issue of account access while we look into what’s going on with the password reset process.