Changes & update to Location ID's for ACW

What Wildbook are you working in?


Please update ACW location ID’s by means of the new file LocationID.json emailed to you

Updated JSON linted thru JSONlint and sent to



fyi @ACWadmin1

Hi @PaulK

Can you let me know which new locations have been added?

Hi Anastasia

We have added 9 Provinces under South Africa

Nine Provinces of South Africa|

|1|Eastern Cape|
|2|Free State|
|7|North West|
|8|Northern Cape|
|9|Western Cape|

I have also moved the Great Limpopo TFCA and added KAZA TFCA under Africa-South



Thanks! I’ll get this updated with the rest of the pending location ID updates by this weekend.

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Your file looks good! The updates are live on the site.

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Thank you so much. Regards. Paul