Display "unidentifiable" on encounters in that state, on Sighting page

What Wildbook should this feature be in? ACW

What would you like to see?
Have a column in the encounters list on a Sightings page that indicates state of the encounter, specifically if it is unidentifiable:

How would this functionality help you?
It would help when users are trying to complete the IDs on all unassigned encounters in their dataset, for them to be able to see, on a Sighting page, which encounters have already been reviewed and deemed “unidentifiable”. It saves the extra and often repeated steps of the user having to click through to all unassigned encounters in a Sighting and scroll down to see if it’s already been reviewed and deemed unidentifiable.


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Good idea !!
I would like that a lot also in the “Encounter search” result page, in Whiskerbook :+1:

Currently we have to open each encounter to see if it is approved, unapproved or unidebtifiable (or do a specific search).

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Hi :slight_smile:

I posted this one but I think it is almost the same as the one Maureen posted (just not in the same table I think), so I just deleted my previous post and paste it here =>

What Wildbook should this feature be in?
Whiskerbook and maybe others

What would you like to see?

A new “Workflow State” column in encounters search results and “See my submissions” results, as you can see on the image.

How would this functionality help you?

A Whiskerbook user pointed out this “missing information” to me and I actually find that it would be very useful to quickly see the status of the encounters in the list of results, without having to open them one by one or without doing several separate searches (first the approved, then the unapproved, then the unidentifiable).

Thanks !!

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