Enable a manual merge of individuals by a user

What Wildbook should this feature be in? ACW / all

What would you like to see?
The ability to do a manual merge of individuals by a user. If possible, ideally this should be restricted to individuals that have encounters all belonging to the same organization.

How would this functionality help you?
it would save a lot of time when a merge option isn’t available through match results due to a lack of similar viewpoints.
ACW users are often uploading large historical ID imagesets where multiple mis-identifications and duplicate individuals exist. In these datasets, users often find that no match results exist between 2 duplicate individuals because of a lack of overlapping / similar viewpoints in the images.

Currently the only option to a user where no match results exist between the duplicate IDs is to manually re-assign all encounters of one individual to another. This is a lot of work where a button that enables a user to select an ID’d individual from a dropdown list of other ID’d individuals in that same organization’s dataset would enable a merge to be done manually, without having to find or try to find match results between the 2 individuals, which can also be tedious when the user already knows that 2 different individuals are the same individual.

I hope this makes sense!


cc: @PaulK