What happened?: When exporting a search result as .xlsx not all sharks seem to get exported. The sharks that are missing in the excel file do show up in the results table, but not in the excel file export under “marked individual”. E.g. for “Mafia Island” as location search none of the sharks above TZ-208 are exported.
What did you expect to happen? A few days ago
What are some steps we could take to reproduce the issue? Search encounters for “Mafia Island” in location, and click on the export tab, select the excel file and in that file sort by marked individual to cross check that some are missing in the file compared with the results table on whaleshark.org
Hi Chris and welcome to the Wild Me Community!
First of all, thanks for using the forums to submit your bug. Super appreciate the support on the new process
Second, pretty close on the “how to” of it. Rather than replying to this thread, you create your own post and just label it as a Bug Report. I’ll go ahead and move your original posting to a separate post as soon as I’m done answering you, so all good on that front.
Finally, oh no! That seems like it could have a serious impact on your ability to use results from the platform in other efforts.
I’ve validated the issue and we are able to reproduce the behavior thanks to your detailed steps! We will get this issue prioritized soon. If you need to follow up, the ticket associated with the issue is WB-266. I’ll follow up once we have the issue prioritized so you have a clear understanding of the timeline.
Thanks again!
Hey Chris!
Turns out that we believe we got the issue resolved at this point. I’ve verified the fix myself, so I’m going to set this report to resolved. If you want to verify and report back that it’s working for you too, that’d be great!