Export Dataset Columns Missing with Update

What Wildbook should this feature be in?

Spotting Giant Sea Bass

What would you like to see?

Before the update, the exported datasets had a “Has right side”, “Has left side” T/F columns making it really easy to analyze left or right side datasets. Now, the right and left side information is under “media asset keywords” across 7 columns, making it much harder for analysis. Is it possible to reinstate this feature?

Additionally, the simple export also had a column with links to each reported encounter. This feature is no longer available. Can we also have this re-instated into the exported datasheets?

How would this functionality help you?

Both of these features would greatly expedite the data analysis process.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need clarification. I can show examples if that helps. Thank you!

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@tanyastere for visibility

I checked a few other Wildbooks that haven’t gotten the 10.3 upgrade and I wasn’t able to find any standard exports that have encounter links, only encounter IDs. It’s possible that Spotting Giant Sea Bass was an outlier that included this, but I’ll check with my teammates to see what I can find.

Hey @andrewpettit Thanks for bringing these up!
Regarding the left/right side columns, we are working on improving our viewpoint support more rigorously, which will be a similar function to this that will be available down the line. We won’t be re-implementing these columns specifically, though, because our ML team is working to get your platform off of spot-mapping and onto a better system of detection and automated ID suggestion.

I have better news regarding the encounter links in the export. That got overridden because it was a custom feature to just your Wildbook; however, it is an incredibly useful feature that we want to bring to everyone. As such, I’m going to get it to the top of the priority list so you can get that functionality back, and we can bring it to more users broadly.

Thanks again! - Tanya