Exporting encounters with ID on specific bulk import

What Wildbook should this feature be in? ACW

What would you like to see? After having gone through identification on specific bulk imports, is it possible to only export back the data with the Name.value & Name.label field of that bulk import?
For example, my latest bulk import was IRP_PP_January_2025_batch4. I did all the IDs and now I want to export back a file with the Name.value & Name.label columns.

At the moment, I’m exporting my whole database so I can associate identified individual with their sighting information but I would like to be able to only extract data from a specific bulk import, with ID.

How would this functionality help you? It will help with data management, analysis and report writing.

Thank you

Note: Not all feature requests can be accepted, but all of them are reviewed by our product team. We’re unable to provide implementation timelines for accepted requests. We are a small team with many competing priorities. Thanks for your understanding!

Hi @Marine_Ingwe

I couldn’t find an ACW import with the file name “IRP_PP_January_2025_batch4” so that I could look into your feedback. I’m also not sure what Name.value and Name.label refer to as they’re not one of the fields listed in our Bulk Import help doc.

If I understand correctly, it sounds like you want to be able to export individual IDs and other data from specific bulk imports. Is that right?

Hi Anastasia,

Sorry for the late reply.

Here is the link to the bulk import mentioned above (https://africancarnivore.wildbook.org/import.jsp?taskId=56c5e88e-7b25-472b-9957-04a35d48c215). Sorry the file name is actually called OTF_PP_January_2025_batch4.
The Name.value and Name.label are fields that get created after identification is done and they appear when I export back the data using the search encounter function.

“If I understand correctly, it sounds like you want to be able to export individual IDs and other data from specific bulk imports. Is that right?” Yes that’s correct.

Awesome; thanks for following up! This request has come up a few times recently outside of the forum, so I’ll prepare a ticket for it soon and post the link here when it’s ready.

Fantastic, thank you!

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By the way, I haven’t forgotten about this; I have the ticket drafted but the feature still needs to be defined by the product team. I’ll post the draft link here for now:

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We anticipate this feature to be included in the Wildbook 10.8 release.