Giraffe Spotter - match results

What Wildbook should this feature be in?
Giraffe Spotter

What would you like to see?
When matching results. Sometimes you have multiple encounters the encounter matches to, but at the moment you can only match it one encounter. It would save a lot of time if you can select multiple boxes the encounter matches to.

How would this functionality help you?
it would save a lot of time!

this is an example. This giraffe is the same as LG-0001M, so I can add him to this individual. But there is another giraffe photo that is LG-0001M but hasn’t been named yet. It would be ideal if you can also select that giraffe, so that giraffe gets assigned the same individual name straight away. Would save a lot of work.

Hi @FrederikeOtten

This is a great idea. Multi-select ID assignment has been a popular feature request before. We will not likely be able to implement it before GiraffeSpotter is migrated to the newer Codex platform. But this is a very good feature request for Codex.

Thank you!