GIS export - no ID in attribute table

What Wildbook are you working in? ACW

What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing? I searched for specific encounters of individuals seen more than 5 times. On the result table, I can see the ID of all the individuals. However, when I choose “Exported GIS shapefile”, the ID in the attribute table on GIS is replaced by codes not it makes it impossible to know which individual is displayed on the map.

The ID should be remaining in the attribute table. See attached images.

Please can this be fixed as it’s such a great tool to create maps rapidly but it won’t be possible to manually cross-check every single code ID with the real ID.

Thank you.

Hi @Marine_Ingwe

It looks like you may have forgotten to attach your reference images. It sounds like the ID shown is the individual’s UUID, which corresponds to the ID shown in the URL of the Marked Individual page:

I’m going to update this to a feature request, because you’re right that the UUID isn’t meaningful for users.

We can get this into the Wildbook 10.5 release as this update seems like a straightforward one.

Ticket link: Add Individual ID to GIS Shapefile exports · Issue #852 · WildMeOrg/Wildbook · GitHub

Hi Anastasia,

Thank you, that’s great!

Please can you confirm when will be the release?

I need to update all my maps for the reserves so just would like a timeline.

I don’t have an exact date, but our release cycle cadence is approx 2-3 months and the most recent 10.4.0 Wildbook release was in the beginning of October.