Help with Cave Cricket Image Segmentation

Hello All,

I am a researcher at Mammoth Cave National Park focused on Cave Cricket populations. We go to a number of cave entrances around the park and perform a statistical survey based on strips, and take images of all the cricket clusters found in these strips.

The longest, most time-intensive part of this process is the data review. In this we analyze an image of every cluster, and count the number of adult males, adult females, and juveniles. I have tried my hand at developing an image segmentation system to expedite this, but we simply do not have the compute power required at the park. WildMe seems to be a prime candidate for this kind of project, I would love to open a conversation about partnering on this project!

Thank you for your time and best,

Hi @brigwar20, welcome!

It sounds like you’re just looking for detection help and not necessarily identifying unique individuals, is that right?

Hi @Anastasia, thank you!

Thats correct, just looking for detection help. No need to ID unique individuals.

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And as a follow-up to that, we have a database with thousands of images that can be supplied if this is something that we could allocate funding to.

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Thanks for the additional context! I see you’ve also sent an email. Let me reach out to my teammates and one of us will follow up on your message soon.

Awesome! Thank you so much!