How I assign results of a bulk import to an existing project

What Wildbook are you working in?

What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?
It’s not an error - I just cannot find how to do the thing I need to do

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?
I have two bulk uploads being processed for identification. When I upload the spreadsheets I use the Encounter.project0.researchProjectName column header with the exact name of the project (e.g. Balearic Rissos PhotoID Left side). I want to make sure the two uploads go to the relevant projects and I should be able to surely search specifically for encounters from one specific bulk upload, to ensure right and left side fins go into different project? there is no option I can see to search or filter by project name or bulk upload ID?

Can you provide steps on how to reproduce what you’re experiencing?
As above

If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to with the email subject line matching your bug report

Hi @ler4, welcome to Community!

Thanks for sending your spreadsheet. It looks to be set up correctly to assign the encounters to their respective projects, although the location ID is not one that exists in Flukebook. This field should match exactly with one of the locations in the drop-down menu of the Report an encounter page or it may not display appropriate match candidates for your encounters. You can always submit a Feature Request post to request for us to add new locations to Wildbook.

Go to My Data > View My Bulk Imports and enter the spreadsheet name in the “Filter by text” search box. Clicking on the result will open the import.

From there, you’ll see a table of all of the encounters associated with the bulk import. Click on any of of those to see the encounter. If you scroll down to the Metadata section, it will display the project here if it is assigned to one:

Thank you for such a quick response. I also thought I had set up the project ID field correctly but when I do what you recommend on the individual encounter metadata the project does not appear. Is this something that having an unlisted Location ID could cause? Does the project name need to be in quotes or something? Thanks.

No, I don’t think it’s related to the location ID. I don’t come across folks using this field too often, but according to what’s available in our bulk import docs, this does look set up correctly. I’ll need to do some testing and see if there’s a bug here. I’ll follow up here soon with an update.

Ok, so it looks like the data for Encounter.project0.projectIdPrefix was the culprit here. This needs to match the prefix shown in the project (you can see this when you click the Edit button a project).

In this case, you’ll want to replace “GarciaLeft” with “BRDLeft-”. When I did this in testing, it correctly assigned the encounter to the project.

Hi again,

So I tried that but I still don’t see the project on the encounter metadata after the upload (see image below). I have sent again the spreadsheet that I just tried this with, it has the project prefix as you specified - I checked there were no hidden spaces or anything, it’s just plain text as you quoted above. For some reason, it still does not link to the desired project.

Thanks for any help you can give,


Thanks for sending in your spreadsheet! I’ll do some additional testing with the new import today and follow up with my findings.

Hi @ler4

I’ll need more time to work on this. Your spreadsheet looks good but I’m also having trouble getting this assigned to a project even though I was able to get it working last week. I hope to have an update for you next week.

Thank you, have a nice break

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Thanks for your patience! There was a bug where sometimes bulk import would look for the subsequent # symbols from the project ID and reject importing the encounter to the project if those weren’t included, but not all the time. We’ve fixed and tested this and it should be working correctly now if you want to retry your import.

Hi - thanks so much hope you had a nice break. This appears to be working!!! Awesome detective work, I’m glad we (well mostly you) tracked this down - thank you so much…

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Just for your information I did another upload that I used the project ID “BRDRight-” for and it didn’t assign but when I did it “BRDRight-####” it worked fine. Thanks again.