Identification Issue for many Flukebook Bulk import

If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to with the email subject line matching your bug report

In which Wildbook did the issue occur?

What operating system were you using? (eg. MacOS 10.15.3)
Windows 10 famille

What web browser were you using? (eg. Chrome 79)
Chrome 134.0.6998.88/89

What is your role on the site? (admin, researcher, etc)

What happened?
All the following bulk imports are blocked at identification, with no individuals identified in any encounters of each bulk :

Edited to include links

What are some steps we could take to reproduce the issue?
Is it possible to force identification for each of these bulk imports?

Hi @lsimon

For future reference, if you need help with bulk imports, it’s best if you can include the direct links to the imports you need help with so I can access them faster instead of having to manually search for each one by spreadsheet name.

I’ll need more time to look into this.

Ok thank you so much to look at this issue.
And sorry for the useless mail, I didn’t know

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No worries! Sometimes email is best if dealing with support issues that need to be addressed privately. The forum gets checks more often than our inboxes, so posting here is the best way to get support.

How recently did you send these imports to Identification? Were they sent today or did you send to ID over the weekend?

Ok thank’s.
I sent most of these Bulk Imports on Thursday and Friday, and only three today

With Ioena, who send you too a lot of bug report for the stenella species on the Louise Simon Account, we think that since we are working on species never studied before on flukebook, this may be responsible of our issues, don’t you think so ?

No, it sounds like there was an issue in Flukebook with our image analysis pipeline. These should start working their way through the queue but it might take a little bit as all imports from the last couple of days were affected.

Can you let me know tomorrow if none of these have begun to show match results yet?

Hi and thank’s for your answer. Today, all of my Bulk are still blocked, except this one “excelbulkimport52024Ks.xlsx” which has finally gone through identification, which is even finished. For the others, there is no identification made on the total encounter for each Bulk

And for example, Rebeca, who is now working on the bottlenose dolfin, has sent to identification one of their Bulk import just yesterday, and today i’ts already finished.

Do you think I re-send again my blocked Bulk imports to identification ? Or it is better to wait for the moment ?

Go ahead and start resending them to ID. The issue that stopped them from completing the queue appears to be fixed so you should start seeing faster progress now.

It finally works !! Thank you so much @Anastasia

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Thanks so much for letting us know about this and for your patience while we worked to resolve the problem!