Link to Unsubscribe from notification emails not functioning

In which Wildbook did the issue occur? ACW

What operating system were you using? (eg. MacOS 10.15.3) Win 10

What web browser were you using? (eg. Chrome 79)Chrome latest

What is your role on the site? (admin, researcher, etc) Admin

What happened? Cannot use link provided in email to unsubscribe

What did you expect to happen?
link take me to unsubscribe page

What are some steps we could take to reproduce the issue?

If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to with the email subject line matching your bug report

Hi @PaulK ,

The link in your emails has been restored. I fixed this under ticket WB-1543. We had assumed a web standard for unsubscribe links in Wildbook-issued emails, but it turns out that MailChimp (new) does it differently than MailJet (old), requiring different metadata where unsubscribe links are dynamically injected.

For future reference:

  • Unsubscribing is done at the MailChimp level (not Wildbook). Even if a Wildbook User wants emails, if they have ever unsubscribed, we would have to work in MailChimp to restore their access manually (if that is possible; MailChimp does a great effort blocking spam and malicious intent, which also means we have less control). As a result of testing, I have now locked myself out of two email accounts from receiving ACW emails. :slight_smile:
  • After unsubscribing, currently users are just redirected to the ACW landing page. We can configure where a user goes (e.g., a custom “We’re sad to see you go” page) if needed in the future.
