Location ID Request for Amphibian and Reptile Wildbook

What Wildbook should this feature be in? Amphibian and Reptile Wildbook

What would you like to see? New location ID added: “Wolbecker Tiergarten”, a historical forest near Münster, North Rhine-Westpjalia, Germany, where a big population of Fire Salamanders exists.

How would this functionality help you? Choosing a location for bulk imports

If requesting a new location ID, include

  • Is this is nested beneath another location in the hierarchy? I think there is no suitable hierachy. Right now all the locations are in one list. It would be great to be able to search for a location so I don’t have to scroll down the list.
  • Is there a prefix for region-based naming? (optional)
  • GPS coordinates (optional)

Note: Not all feature requests can be accepted, but all of them are reviewed by our product team. We’re unable to provide implementation timelines for accepted requests. We are a small team with many competing priorities. Thanks for your understanding!

Luckily, this will be coming in a Wildbook update in the near future. :blush:

I’ll update here when the new location is ready in ARW.

I’ve added Wolbecker Tiergarten to the list:

Thank you Anastasia! :slight_smile:

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Dear Anastasia,
for some reason the location ID “Wolbecker Tiergarten” has been removed from the list. Could you please have a look and add the location again?
Thank you!

Thanks for letting us know! I’ve fixed the backup file and it’s available as a location again.