Location IDs for Wild North

As per the list I’ve emailed to @Anastasia, could we have new location IDs set up in Wild North, please?


I hope to have these up by the end of the week.

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I’m going to need more time to work on this. I hope to have an update next week.

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Sorry about the delay; I haven’t forgotten about this!

I’m waiting for server access to Wild North. As soon as I get it, I’ll be able to update the Location ID file.

I didn’t think you had! I know it’s been a busy week for you all so no worries. I know you’ll get to it when you can. Thanks @Anastasia

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Just FYI, and I don’t know if it makes much difference, but the location ID that’s needed first for us is Alaska (under North, in the hierarchy) for a team obviously studying one of our species in that state.


Hi @Anastasia , any idea when these might be implemented? I have some users in Alaska preparing for their first upload.


I hope by tomorrow. I still haven’t received server access to make the edits, but as soon as I do, I can prioritize adding Alaska if I can’t complete all the regions before the weekend.

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I got server access, so I’ll have this ready by EOD.

These are now live. You may need to reset the location IDs on any previous encounters to match the new locations.

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Darn, I just noticed I added “Iowa” twice. :sweat_smile: Let me know if you notice any other mistakes and I’ll fix it today.

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