Make match candidate links right-clickable

What Wildbook should this feature be in? ACW, WKB + WN + ?

What would you like to see?
Make the links to the match candidate encounters right-clickable to enable user to open them in a new tab

How would this functionality help you?
This would save extra steps to access a given match candidate’s encounter record as well as extra time needed to switch from a match results page to a related encounter screen.
Currently, if a user clicks on the green bar to reach the encounter page, the match results page changes to the encounter page. Losing the original match results page is inconvenient because the user could still be in the process of reviewing match candidates on that page.
Opening a match candidate’s encounter is usually to review metadata to help determine if the match candidate could be a correct match so being able to flip between the match results page with the target image available, and the match candidate’s encounter record is useful. When the user has limited internet, both screens can take some time to load which delays the review process even further.

The links from the match results page to the match candidates’ encounters used to be able to be right-clicked to open in a new tab but that functionality disappeared at some point. It would be very useful to have it back, particularly for difficult-to-ID match candidates, even whole species, like lions, pumas and lynxes.
