Matching does not work

In which Wildbook did the issue occur?
Amphibian & Reptile
What operating system were you using? (eg. MacOS 10.15.3)
What web browser were you using? (eg. Chrome 79)
What is your role on the site? (admin, researcher, etc)
Researcher & admin
What happened?
I used bulk import to upload pictures. “Identification Status: error” occurs after starting match in project and “unknown error” for those pictures with “Identification Status: processing”. Matches were not found
What did you expect to happen?

What are some steps we could take to reproduce the issue?

If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to with the email subject line matching your bug report

Hi @LauraSchulte

Can you please provide a link to your bulk import? We will take a look.


Hi Jason,
Now it worked for a few fire salamander larvae pictures for matching, but now it does not work anymore, here for example: Amphibian and Reptile Wildbook
I am currently working in this project and trying to match the pictures Amphibian and Reptile Wildbook | Login

Hi @LauraSchulte

The link you provided:

Showed match results for me. Can you provide a screenshot of what you’re seeing?

It also looks like your bulk import is here:

And I am seeing good matching results for each entry I tried. Please send a screnshot of what you’re seeing.


Hi Jason,
Now it’s working perfectly well. Next time I will take Screenshots if something is not working. Thanks for your help!
Best, Laura

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Hi @LauraSchulte

If we do server maintenance on the machine learning server (WBIA), Wildbook may think that jobs failed and then change the result when the machine learning server comes back online and then later reports the results. This is why sometimes we see match failure reports from users but then go back and can’t reproduce what they saw…the jobs have since completed after a server restart. Links and screenshots always help.


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Good to know, thanks!!