Need clearer error messages in bulk import review page

I see that there’s some work being done to beef up the bulk import validation activity, which is great.
Something else that could use fixing in the bulk import validation is the fact that the “Not Imported column types” flags submitter and/or photographer account information when the information is correct in the user’s bulk import spreadsheet.

These columns will also correspondingly be highlighted in yellow in the Parsed Import Table. It also doesn’t flag these columns consistently - sometimes it might flag the submitter email column or the submitter full name, but on a subsequent upload it might list & highlight different user or photographer account fields, all while the user’s spreadsheet is listing them correctly.

I have to explain to everyone that what it’s likely doing is trying to indicate that that account already exists in the system. But it’s a false flag and can lead to users believing they should remove this info from their spreadsheets which then leads to the data not being assigned to their account. It would be very useful to remove or otherwise re-design this misleading validation action for these columns/fields.
