New Location Request

What Wildbook should this feature be in?

What would you like to see?
Can we please add Buffalo Springs National Reserve, Samburu National Reserve, and Chololo Ranch as locations under Northern Kenya. For these can we keep the same naming convention (eg. BSNRXXX).

Can we also edit the names in the uploader sent to the support email to the Chololo name (ChoXXX).
uploader: Chololo RA 2024

How would this functionality help you?

If requesting a new location ID, include

  • Is this is nested beneath another location in the hierarchy?
  • Is there a prefix for region-based naming? (optional)
  • GPS coordinates (optional)

Note: Not all feature requests can be accepted, but all of them are reviewed by our product team. We’re unable to provide implementation timelines for accepted requests. We are a small team with many competing priorities. Thanks for your understanding!

I don’t understand the question. If this is related to a bulk import, it should have its own separate post so work on that can be tracked independently of the location ID update.

The individuals have already been named in GiraffeSpotter but because Chololo wasn’t a location on the site, they haven’t been named following our standard naming convention. So I was hoping we could use the export I sent over in the email to rename those individuals to match our naming convention (eg. for Chololo 001 would change to Cho001). Would this be possible?

Thanks for clarifying! It looks like the current IDs are numerical only, such as 069. You’re saying this should be updated to Cho069, right? Let me verify if this is something we can do on our side with a script.

If not, the alternative is to manually update the IDs from the Marked Individual pages.

Yes, thats correct. Do let me know what you find out and I can go in and update manually as needed. Thank you!

Hi @jenna Sorry about the delay! Thanks for hanging in there. I’ve been slowly catching up on location ID updates in Wildbooks.

I’ve added the new locations you requested under Northern Kenya.

I’ve been told that updating the giraffes’ names manually for 75 giraffes would be faster than writing and running a script for it. All future giraffes identified in Chololo Ranch will automatically have the “Cho” prefix in their ID.

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Hi Tanya,

So I did the rename manually but now even for these new locations the standard naming convention is not updated. I thought we previously made it so that anytime a new location was added we adopted the naming convention of “xxx001”? If not, is this something we can make happen?

hi @jenna

I’m Anastasia, not Tanya :sweat_smile:

Here are the updates I made to the code. They reflect the prefixes that should appear in front of new IDs:

"name": "Buffalo Springs National Reserve",
"id": "Buffalo Springs National Reserve",
"prefix": "BSNR",
"prefixDigitPadding": 3
"name": "Chololo Ranch",
"id": "Chololo Ranch",
"prefix": "Cho",
"prefixDigitPadding": 3
"name": "Samburu National Reserve",
"id": "Samburu National Reserve",
"prefix": "SNR",
"prefixDigitPadding": 3

Can you let me know which location didn’t create the prefix so I can research this further?

:see_no_evil::see_no_evil: no idea where Tanya came from! Full on Monday brain.

It looks like Samburu National Reserve and Buffalo Springs don’t have the prefix when I am matching. Screenshot below.



Thanks! I’ll review the code again and follow up as soon as I have an update.

Hi @jenna

Thanks for your patience. I’ve used this test encounter to troubleshoot the IDs. I was able to see the correct IDs suggested from the edit Individual section:

But from the match page, it did not show the prefix:

However, if I confirmed it anyway on the match page, the encounter shows the correct ID with the prefix was created:

I’ve deleted SNR001 from the test encounters, so it can be re-used but it may need to be manually assigned since GiraffeSpotter will recommend the next ID as SNR002.

However, I did make an error here:

"name": "Buffalo Springs National Reserve",
"id": "Buffalo Springs National Reserve",
"prefix": "BSNR",
"prefixDigitPadding": 3


That 3 should have been a 4 since BSNR is 4 characters long. I’ve updated it and now BSNR is appearing as an ID prefix now.

I’ll make a ticket for this so we can prevent confusion in the future, though. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Here’s the ticket link for the missing ID prefix on the match page: ID prefix missing from missing from match page · Issue #515 · WildMeOrg/Wildbook · GitHub