Nursehound sharks

What Wildbook should this feature be in?
What would you like to see?
add Scyliorhinus stellaris
How would this functionality help you?
ID individuals at a nursery site.


Hi Eleonora,

We are tracking this as ticket WB-1895 to add the species to Sharkbook.


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Hi Eleonora,

I have added Nursehound support to and documented the general use in this short, custom video:

Just a note that we do not know how well in advance either the Hotspotter or Modified Groth algorithms may work for matching individuals, and we don’t have photos of matched individuals to test with. Your data submissions will help us get there as you use and get experience with the system.

You can read more about them and our computer vision pipeline as a whole here:

Please review the video and let me know if you have any questions or want to set up a review meeting.

Another question I have is: do you have one or more study sites that you commonly photograph Nursehounds at? We can configure those in our system to help limit matching.


Many thank Jason.This is fab! Thanks for the tutorial, will try it now and get back to you.
Many thanks again - and Happy New Year!

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