Recurring Incorrect Merge Notification

In which Wildbook did the issue occur?
Internet of Turtles

What operating system were you using? (eg. MacOS 10.15.3)
MacOS Sonoma 14.5

What web browser were you using? (eg. Chrome 79)
Safari 17.5 & Chrome 128

What is your role on the site? (admin, researcher, etc)
ORP - OrgAdmin, Researcher

What happened?
I received an Individual Merge Notification for a merge initiated by another user for turtles GR1008 and GR1379.

Both turtles are from the ORP Maldives Database and most definitely different individuals, so I denied the merge as I expected that would stop the process.

Unfortunately, the notification keeps reappearing, no matter how often denied. I am unsure at this point if the merge is still going to be executed by the system in two weeks time and would like for that to not happen.

What did you expect to happen?

  1. Denying the merge should remove the notification and also stop the merge.
  2. Not sure why someone not involved in the project can merge some of our individuals in the first place? I have reached out to the user and it was unintentional from his side.

What are some steps we could take to reproduce the issue?
I am not entirely sure, as I cannot reproduce the steps originally taken to initiate the merge, i.e. I do not know which photos/encounter the other user was working on.

Apologies for the relatively vague description here, but I hope your team can still help.

Best wishes,

Hi @ORP-StephanieK

Thanks for letting us know. For context, that message appears when someone attempts to merge with an individual that they don’t own any encounters of.

Assuming the original user only attempted one merge, it sounds like the merge request keeps reappearing as a new notification for you even after it’s been denied. I’ll test this with a teammate today and will follow up with any findings.

Thanks for your patience. It does look like after denying the merge request, the notification still stays up until you click the Dismiss button, which seems like an unnecessary step. I was able to clear the notification entirely after clicking Dismiss. Can you dismiss it and let me know if you still see the notice?


Thanks for checking this so quickly. Makes sense about the merge request in general, thanks for the explanation.

I have dismissed the notification after denying the request as well, but the original notification always comes back after a few minutes. Not sure if it’s just the notification or if the request also remains active in the background?


You’re right; I see it now too. I let my login time out and signed in again and saw the new notifications again (I tested it twice) as if they were never denied. :upside_down_face:

I’ll keep working on this and share a ticket link if I’m not able to get it resolved soon.

Here’s the ticket link: Merge request response saved in session but not in database · Issue #756 · WildMeOrg/Wildbook · GitHub

Quick update: we deleted the merge request on the backend, but the ticket is still open while we work on the root cause of the deny responses not saving.

Thanks Anastasia - good to hear that the merge request is gone. Hope the notification bug can be fixed & appreciating all your updates here!

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