RESOLVED Outage: Flukebook - May 7-8, 2024

Hi folks,

Flukebook is currently undergoing some updates that mean it will be offline until those updates are complete. We’re sorry for any disruption or inconvenience this causes you. We plan to have it back online soon.

Flukebook is back online with upgraded RAM and vCPUs. Thank you all for your patience!

I guess we celebrated too soon - please bear with us while we continue to work on getting Flukebook back online. :sweat_smile:

Ok, it should be back up for certain time!

We’re aware of Flukebook access becoming intermittent and are working to resolve the underlying cause. We hope to have this resolved soon, but can’t yet offer a definitive timeline.

Thank you for your patience. When we doubled the RAM and vCPU on Flukebook, un unrelated Azure issue prevented it from staying online when it was restarted. Flukbook is up and stable and with more power than it had before. :slight_smile: