Risso's HotSpotter program

In Flukebook using Windows 10 on Chrome 91. I am a researcher that has been working on using Flukebook for individual Risso’s identification using the HotSpotter program on their scar patterns. The program ran for the photo but it appears to only be running against a few of the photos we have and not all 672. Running the HotSpotter with any of the photos only appears to run against about 35 of our photos.

Hello @UR-Stelle,

Can you please send a link to an Encounter I should test for matching?


Here is the link to one of our encounters. When I try to match it, it appears to only be running it against 37 images. Flukebook

Hi @UR-Stelle,

This was filed as ticket WB-1587. I am testing the fix right now and will respond shortly.


Hi @UR-Stelle,

I believe this issue is resolved. Here are these examples re-run with larger match against sets:

HotSpotter of flanks:

finFindR, CurvRank v2 of the fin:

Please let me know if you see this issue moving forward.
