Seal Codex Feature requests

What Wildbook should this feature be in?
Seal Codex (Saimaa ringed seal)

What would you like to see?

Results table, in addition should also show:

  • Reviewed/Not reviewed (Like in norppagalleria there was unapproved, approved and unidentified)
    +Seal ID
    +Photographer name

(+Edit date)

We would like to be able to search/filter data by:
+Reviewed/not reviewed
+Photographer name
+Photography type: Digital camera/Game camera
+Observation type: ice/rock/water
+Sighting origin: Research/Public
+Seen in artificial nest: yes/no
+Life stage
+Living status

(+seen with unknown sel and seen with unknown pup: those could be just seen with other seal and seen with pup)
(+has at least one associated photo)

We would like to be able to search/filter also by:
+Life stage
+Living status

(+Flipper tag)

We would like to add to metadata:
+Flipper tag: yes/no, number
(+Alternative ID/Unknown individual, unless we can use Notes to mark this?)

+Map with all sightings of that individual
+To be able to click individual photos bigger (from "Photos of Phsxxx → See all) Like when you open a sighting page and photographs, you can click them larger.

+To be able to zoom in pictures
+Map for all sightings (To see for example all sightings from 2022 on a map)

How would this functionality help you?
These features would be extremely helpful for using Codex. Some of them are more important and urgent than others, mainly SEARCH/FILTER features and EXPLORE SIGHTINGS results table.

Best regards


I would like to prioritize:
+MAP for all sightings and ability to sort yearly
+MAP for all sightings of individual


As an admin, you should be able to add this as a custom field yourself. Here’s the link to the docs on adding your own custom fields: Manage Fields - Wild Me Documentation

Alternately, you can submit this as its own post under the “New Codex Field” category, fill out the post template, and we can add it to Codex for you.

These are planned for a future Codex release.

The rest have already been implemented into Codex.