Seal Wildbook: Can't add encounter to a certain individual

In which Wildbook did the issue occur?
Seal Wildbook

What web browser were you using?

What is your role on the site? (admin, researcher, etc)

What happened?
I was fixing old multiple seal sightings, so finding encounters and merging them or creating new ones and deleting old ones.

Suddenly I wasn’t anymore able to add to existing individual Phs218. I had already added some encounters to Phs218, so the problem started in the middle of the work. I could add the same encounter to Phs219 for example normally.

What are some steps we could take to reproduce the issue?
This is the link to encounter page: Seals Wildbook

Here are screenshots of the error I received:

Thanks for letting us know! I’ve shared this with the team and will follow up as soon as I ave an update.

Thanks for your patience. We weren’t able to figure out the source of the bug, but did manage to add the individual to the encounter from the database side. Let us know if you see this again.

I’ll do that!

Thank you :blush:

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