Seal Wildbook, encounter search/metadata/photographer

When I was trying to filter encounters with any photographer name, it does not give any results. It can only find encounters by submitter. Is the feature existing in Wildbook? Is there some kind of bug there?


Hi @PiiaMutka

Can you give me the example you used? I suspect there’s an issue with searching by photographer name when there isn’t an associated photographer email address but I want to confirm if that’s a separate issue than what you’re experiencing.

I used for example mervi, mervi kunnasranta and in encounter search → metadata → Submitter, Photographer, or Email Address.

The email address is the only that gives any results, but it also gives other than Mervi’s encounters. Maybe it shows all @uef addresses as submitters?

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Thanks! I’ll continue testing and follow up when I have an update.

I forgot to ask the obvious question: Do you have an example of an encounter that lists Mervi as the photographer? Otherwise, there’s a possibility that there aren’t any encounters that have them as the photographer or submitter.

Here is one Mervi’s encounter from 2023: Seals Wildbook

I think something happened to some photographer information during these 2 database migrations. Some of it is ok, some of it is not showing on encounter page but is showing on sighting page in “Observations” box.
Sometimes information is under “Photographing User” and sometimes under “Other Photographers”. Sometimes e-mail is visible, sometimes not.
Sometimes there is nothing, like here: Seals Wildbook where “photographer name” should be “UEF” as all our research game cameras.

I did some test submissions:

  1. When the photographer name and e-mail is a Wildbook user, it goes under Photographing User, as it should. ( Seals Wildbook )
  2. When I ONLY put a photographer name, as “UEF” or “Tapani Nisula” without any e-mail address, no name is visible anywhere. ( Seals Wildbook ), ( Seals Wildbook )
  3. When I put a photographer name and address and the photographer isn’t a user in Wildbook, both information is showing under Photographing User again. ( Seals Wildbook )

Also; There was an issue with photographer information when we moved to Codex in 2022. All information was first not there, but was brought there afterwards, seemingly successfully. But if that information is useful for this issue.

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Thanks, @PiiaMutka!

I’ll write up a ticket and share the link here soon.

This ticket has been fixed as part of Wildbook 10.6.0. Seal Wildbook is currently on version 10.5.3, so the fix will appear on the next update cycle.