Sharkbook is not returning any results after initiating ‘Start Match’. On the next screen it dislays ‘Waiting for results…’ & has been doing so for over an hour. New searches are having the same issue.
I was off yesterday, so this may have been resolved between now and then. I just submitted a test encounter and was able to see match results right away.
If you’re still seeing this, can you post the link to a specific encounter or match result so I can research why it’s stuck?
Hi Anastasia - it was marginally faster, but still seems to hang on many search results.
We have been seeing some returning messages like “error initiating AI job”.
This one has had results taking more than 20mins and nothing has happened yet:
Thanks for following up! We re-synced detections in Sharkbook and I got confirmation this morning that detection has caught up. This should result in matches loading correctly when they’re re-sent to ID.
I just re-sent the encounter you linked to ID and got matches right away: Sharkbook: Wildbook for Sharks