Some individual pictures not showing on Seal Codex

In which Wildbook did the issue occur?
Seal Codex

What operating system were you using? (eg. MacOS 10.15.3)
Windows 10 education 10.0.19044

What web browser were you using? (eg. Chrome 79)

What is your role on the site? (admin, researcher, etc)

What happened?
Some of the pictures on individual seal page are not opening and there is a text: Annotation with unknown creation date. If you open the page multiple times/reload it, it can vary which pictures are showing and which are not.


Hi @PiiaMutka

Can you please provide a link to an example?


For example on this page I see those Annotation with unknown creation date messages:

But it also happens, that if I reload the page or copy-paste a link to another tab, those missing pictures might appear normally or different pictures that on first page opening now show that annotation date message. It also might happen, that none of the pictures show it on second opening/reloading and all is working fine.

For example on this page:
I first didn’t see top photo or the first photo but when I copy-paste link to new tab on same browser, I see all of them.


@jon For an example.

ok, Piia; i think we have a workaround which should prevent missing/broken images from showing up. it is running now on the site. you might notice a slight delay before an image appears, but hopefully no more missing ones.

if you see a missing image (or the annotations text only), please share here the url for the page that shows it and we can investigate further. thank you!


Thank you! :blush:

I will keep an eye on this!


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I came across this problem again:


Thanks for flagging this, @PiiaMutka. I’ll share this with the team. Feel free to add any other examples you come across while we research this.


It also seems that opening sightings, or to be spesific photos in sightings has been extremely slow. They will open eventually but take over 2 minutes. This has been happening with all the sightings I have opened today.


Hi @PiiaMutka

The slow image loading should be fixed now.

Apparently the broken images in happened because the image files themselves were TIFF files embedded in JPEGs. Meaning that whoever uploaded them manually changed the file extension from .tiff to .jpeg instead of converting them properly. :sweat_smile:

We’ve manually fixed it so the images display correctly now.

I see, thank you for clarifying the situation! :blush:


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