OK, I dug a little bit deeper here.
This looks like it happened through normal Encounter submission. I could repeat exactly what happened via that route. I did submit the photo myself, and only the expected two encounters were created.
First, I believe the submitter reported this Encounter twice. Across the four Encounters you list, there are two Sightings. Each Sighting (Occurrence) has two Encounters, each representing an Annotation found.
Second, the detector found two body annotations, not the expected body and head. Thus the Encounter was split into two under one Sighting. Here’s what the detection result looks like under the covers for this photo.
‘response’: {
‘jobid’: 8f44dfec-3022-4c22-923d-2a0722cc3514,
‘json_result’: {
‘image_uuid_list’: [
‘results_list’: [
‘class’: seadragon_weedy,
‘confidence’: 0.9076,
‘height’: 3086,
‘id’: 13742,
‘interest’: False,
‘left’: 290,
‘multiple’: False,
‘quality’: None,
‘species’: seadragon_weedy,
‘theta’: 0.0,
‘top’: 808,
‘uuid’: 28b679a1-9110-4b74-8a0b-7d082242b818,
‘viewpoint’: frontleft,
‘width’: 5503,
‘xtl’: 290,
‘ytl’: 808,
‘class’: seadragon_weedy,
‘confidence’: 0.8461,
‘height’: 1864,
‘id’: 13741,
‘interest’: False,
‘left’: 521,
‘multiple’: False,
‘quality’: None,
‘species’: seadragon_weedy,
‘theta’: 0.0,
‘top’: 501,
‘uuid’: dc648a9f-47d1-4680-a988-63d26cffb3f6,
‘viewpoint’: frontleft,
‘width’: 3695,
‘xtl’: 521,
‘ytl’: 501,
‘score_list’: [
‘status’: completed,
All in all, this looks like a double submission by the submitter and a misclassification by the detector. While the misclassification is unfortunate, they happen a % of the time. This does look like the system working as designed. It can be fixed easily by deleting the extraneous Encounters manually and by manually annotating an additional head.