Whiskerbook encounters submitted not getting through detection

A user used “Submit an encounter” functionality on Whiskerbook to submit a number of images at the end of last week. None of them are showing any annotations so I believe it’s stuck at the IA stage.

This is the search result for the encounters in question: Whiskerbook | Login

Possibly a server outage?

Thanks for your help.


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This is likely related to the current server outage: MAINTENANCE:OUTAGE: Machine Learning Server Behind Multiple Wildbooks

I’ll review once the server maintenance is complete.


Hi @Anastasia - I just wanted to touch base to see if there’s anything you can do to get these pushed through detection. They were uploaded via Report an Encounter so if they can’t be pushed through we’ll have to add all annotations manually, which would be nice to avoid.

As always, thanks for all your help.


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Sorry, I thought Whiskerbook was back up again but I realize it’s still out. I’ll try to be more patient.


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Well done and thank you for bringing Whiskerbook back into service!! What a pleasure to be able to start making identifications again :slight_smile:

Data entered when the server was down are now stucked in detection. Is there a way to restart them please?

Thanks :slight_smile:


Hi @Lucas

I can only re-send bulk imports through detection. For manually uploaded encounters like these that get stuck in detection, you’ll need to add an annotation manually and then start a new match from it. I tested this with the first link you shared and it got matches right away: https://www.whiskerbook.org/encounters/encounter.jsp?number=b92a5a3b-afa1-4801-b59c-e7814d521b0f

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Thank you very much Anastasia, I thought this would create duplicates !!

I will redo the annotations :+1:

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