** Release notes for January 2021**
Hey everyone! Here are the details of the major work completed last month.
For all Wildbooks
Collaborations with public data allow for better sharing and management of public data.
User profile deduplication allows users to reconcile divergent accounts and data.
Admins can review for duplicate annotations and security mapping information.
New Wild Me logo updates across all Wildbooks.
Flukebook updates
Add false killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens) matching support in Flukebook for finFindR and CurvRank.
Add Pacific white-sided dolphin photo ID.
Jaguar updates
Add Asiatic cheetah support to jaguar.wildbook.org
Kitizen updates
SurveyLength on survey page displays value from app.
Citizen review queue is now paginated and set to show 5.
Connect “disputed” state in admin queue.
Added “merge review” state to admin queue.
Integrated text blurring functionality.
Add encounter level of agreement column.
Leopard shark updates
New Locations IDs have been added.
Mantamatcher updates
New Location IDs have been added.
Seadragon Search updates
New location IDs have been added, supporting automatic region ID assignment.
African Carnivore updates
Implemented part assignment between Wild dog bodies and tails.
Bug Fixes
- WB-1362 Social Unit Names now appear in individualSearch.jsp
- WB-1348 Adoption no longer requires users to sign in
- WB-1290 Images with old, pre-UUID encounters now appear in the gallery.
- WB-1279 Sea bass keywords are restored.
- WB-1263 iaResults.jsp has restored email functionality when setting individual ID
- WB-1259 Sea bass anon-users are able to view encounters
- WB-1256 Collaboration notification now opens confirmation dialog
- WB-1252 No more 400 Python errors (IAResultss inspect) on new-and-very-likely matches
- WB-1251 Wildbook no longer overwrites IA iaClass in IBEISIA.processCallbackDetect(…)
- WB-1244 ACW: restored duplicate annotation check
- WB-1223 ACW: Import of images with multiple animals now adds child encs to Occurrence
- WB-1151 flukebook: match made email now working
- WB-1136 seadragon: fixed exif handling of inconsistent image representation between encounter, hotspotter results, and iaresults
- WB-1134 truncated latitude/longitude text values now visible on encounter page without editing
- WB-1123 If IA is unresponsive, a restarted Wildbook no longer hangs
- WB-1015 Categories table delete is restored
- WB-956 Sea Bass: JS spot rendering is restored
- WB-789 KitSci: password reset emails now showing up
- WB-661 Mantamatcher emails now going out
- WB-1138 Sea Bass: next button for grid is restored