Wildbook Release Notes - May 2021

Release Notes for May 2021
Hey everyone! Here are the details of the major work completed last month.

*Wildbook DOI for May release
To reference Wildbook in a publication, use the following DOI:

  • Wildbook DOI: DOI
  • Related WBIA DOI: DOI

Wildbook Ecosystem Metrics
Wildbook now provides cached metrics via Prometheus (https://prometheus.io/) at the /metrics URL endpoint. Values are updated automatically every 15 minutes. Prometheus is the foundation for consolidated analytics across Wildbooks. Exposed metrics include encounter totals by species, marked individual totals by species, users, public data contributors, sightings, media assets, and more. Additional metrics will be added over time.

All Wildbooks
Adoptions have been changed to a new provider that allows for users to manage their subscriptions.
Streamlined locationID functionality to improve usability and stability of region-based naming.

Whiskerbook Updates
Ocelot is now supported.
Bobcat is now supported.

Whaleshark Updates
White shark is now supported.

MantaMatcher Updates
Generic Mobula is now support.

Flukebook Updates
Added new locations in Atlantic Ocean and Hawaii.

Bug Fixes
WB-1671 Resolve data corruption from submitter email defect.
WB-1634 Images no longer swapping width and height with annotation location.
WB-1630 Conflict between projects and submissions has beeen resolved.
WB-1626 Corrected “My data” restriction in match filtering.
WB-1625 Corrected project filter in iaResults to include all project matches.
WB-1601 Google maps renders GPS and ignores LocationID correctly.
WB-1529 Flukebook projects display more than the IndoCet Opportunistic project.
WB-1497 Bulk import now recognizes all detection results in Zebra Wildbook.

Wildbook-IA Release Notes
The following updaes were made to WBIA last month.

  • SAGE-40 Completed an AI extension for the MAPS citizen science tool in collaboration with BOEM.
  • SAGE-293 Two new publications at CVPR workshop “CV 4 Animals” on 1) the continual ID curation problem and 2) CurvRank V2.
  • SAGE-304 New WBIA API for the background job engine allows job IDs to be specified instead of generating random UUIDs.
  • SAGE-310 Migrate WBIA codebase in GitHub to use the new “main” branch convention.
  • SAGE-316 Migrate Jaguar WBIA instance to Tier 1. [also SAGE-312, SAGE-314]
  • SAGE-285 New detection support for animal camera traps in Kenya and Argentina landscapes. [also SAGE-286]
  • SAGE-295 New analysis on ID performance for SDRP dorsal fins. [also SAGE-294]

Bug Fixes

  • SAGE-292 Fix EXIF orientation parsing with OpenCV.
  • SAGE-309 Fix automated testing on CI for GitHub.
  • SAGE-315 Debugged ML outputs for Beluga whales, analyzing failure modes for detections of calf whales.