WKB - unable to start match from encounters

In which Wildbook did the issue occur? Whiskerbook

What operating system were you using? Windows 11

What web browser were you using? latest chrome

What is your role on the site? admin & researcher

What happened?
I was working on an issue reported by a user and noticed on several encounter records without the options to: start a match, start another match or view match results from the encounter records themselves.

However, these are all part of separate bulk imports which have been run through identification and which have match results.

Here are 3 examples from 3 separate bulk imports:

  1. Match results page: Whiskerbook

  2. Source encounter record: Whiskerbook | Login

  3. Bulk import link: Whiskerbook | Login

  4. Match results page: Whiskerbook

  5. Source encounter record:

  6. Bulk import link: Whiskerbook | Login

  7. Match results page: Whiskerbook

  8. Source encounter record: Whiskerbook | Login

  9. Bulk import link: Whiskerbook | Login

What did you expect to happen?
To have the ability to: start a match, start another match or view match results from the source encounter records

Thanks for your help with this.


This is an interesting one! I’ll need some time to dig into this more.

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It looks like this issue is only happening to Encounters of Panthera pardus even on older encounters uploaded a few months ago. I hope to have an update soon.

OK, you should see the match result option on the encounters now.

It looks like we had previously allowed someone to import the subspecies Panthera pardus fusca and the configuration caused an issue that prevented any matches of Panthera pardus from being available on the encounter page. Removing that configuration unblocked leopard matches.

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Great work! I don’t know how anyone figured that out so quickly but kudos! I’m very impressed. Thanks!!!

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