I changed the logic to compare images that have been through detection against not the entire list of media (which may contain videos…I have seen these getting added, which is fine) but rather against the list of images that should be supported by ML. You’ll see the list displayed with a new row: “Number valid for image analysis”. This is the new value that helps us track what should go through ML and is done. Because this is a logic change in bulk import, I would appreciate it if you could keep an eye out as to whether it blocks new or legacy imports from running ID. But for the bulk imports listed above in this thread, I now see them all able to send to ID.
Total media assets: 132
Number with acmIDs: 131
Number valid for image analysis: 131
Number that have completed detection: 131
Thanks so much @jason. I’ll keep an ear and eye open for any issues that come up around the ID ML. And I’ll keep advising new users to not upload anything that isn’t .jpg or .png…