ACW: Error msg on ALL new match results - Not getting any match results since midnight PT

Same thing happening in the Internet of Turtles

@ACWadmin1 and @noaahawaii !
We’re on it: WB-1798. Thanks!

Hi, @ACWadmin1 @noaahawaii !

JP did some wizardry on his end of things, and matching looks to be back up and running!

Maureen, heads up that I ran matching that encounter you linked above against everything, so if you were hoping to match it against a smaller data set, either you or the person you’re posting this on behalf of should re-run the match on their desired data subset.

@noaahawaii should also be good to go for IoT

(and for any other Wildbook instances if other folks stumble upon this post).


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Yup, JP’s magic worked! All good now.


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