ACW Location ID's have reverted to old lists again

What Wildbook are you working in?


What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?

Updated Location ID’s are being reverted to old lists of Locations ID’s on a random basis.

Please revert the list to the latest version again.




ACW is in the middle of getting the Wildbook 10.3.0 update today. If the location IDs are still incorrect after the upgrade, I’ll look into it.

Hi Anastasia

Please fix this in ACW as it stands today, apparently the process for upgrades has changed and there will be a period of offline testing of the upgrade before the production instance of ACW is actually touched.

If I am understand an email from @Jason correctly

We have users waiting on having the correct Location ID’s available to them so they can do their bulk uploads and matching.



CC: @ACWadmin1

Hi @PaulK

Wild Me staff have been awaiting a T4C response to security and upgrade emails since Tuesday. Would appreciate responses to those.

Thank you,

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Quick followup: ACW and Whiskerbook are the only Wildbooks this keeps happening to and they’re also the only ones that are out of date and on version 7.1 compared to our other Wildbooks which are on versions 10.2 and 10.3.

This issue will resolve after the Wildbook update to the latest version. My understanding is that going forward, all Wildbooks will maintain the same upgrade schedule so we’re unlikely to see this location ID problem again.