Adding new locations

What Wildbook are you working in? Amphibian and reptile Wildbook

What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred? Amphibian and Reptile Wildbook

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing? How can I (as the admin) add new locations? Those that people can choose in the menu from?

Can you provide steps on how to reproduce what you’re experiencing? We have several locations that we can chose from, but we need to add a few, as we have more monitoring sites.

If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to with the email subject line matching your bug report

Hi @Barbara.Caspers

In the current verion of Wildbook, we need to add them. In the next version (Codex), they can be added by admins like you.

Do you have some new locations we can add for you?


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Hi Jason,

We would need the following locations, please:

  1. Molchgraben (Encounter.locationID: “MG”): ETRS89/ UTM zone 32N (EPSG 25832) 367112,871 5615991,823
  2. Wiesentuempel (“WT”) 367437,111 5616220,062
  3. Kreistuempel (“KT”) 367290,448 5616214,604


Hi @LauraSchulte

I would be happy to add these.

Would these sit at the top level of the locations, or do they sit under a specific location, such as Kottenforst? Could you also provide the GPS as decimal degrees?

Thank you,

Hi James,

Here are the decimal degrees:
Molchgraben 50.68057, 7.11902
Wiesentuempel 50.682695, 7.123525
Kreistuempel 50.682613, 7.121452
And yes, they would belong to Kottenforst, please.


Hi @LauraSchulte

These have been added.


Completed under ticket WB-1953

Amazing, thank you!!

Hi Jason,
I’ve just uploaded new pictures and wanted to use encounter search to assign the pictures to a project but in location filter it does not show the newly added locations anymore like “Wiesentuempel”. It worked the other day.

Best, Laura

Hi @LauraSchulte

I have redeployed them, and they’re on the server. Our graphics customization bumped into those changes.


Perfect, now they are back, thanks!

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