AI ran on only 5 out of 53 images in bulk import - missing a lot of annotations

In which Wildbook did the issue occur? ACW

What operating system were you using? Win 10

What web browser were you using? latest chrome

What is your role on the site? admin & researcher

What happened?
Researcher found a sighting that was missing obvious annotations. I checked the import batch and it says that IA was run but on only 5 of the 53 images in the batch - explains the missing annotations. But what caused the IA to skip 48 images in detection? Note that the researcher did start manually adding annotations bec she wanted to run matching on certain images but many encounters in the batch are missing annotations due to the IA not running on all images in the batch.

Here’s the import ID:


Is it possible this issue is related to an earlier issue I reported with another bulk import missing all annotations? Here’s the link to that bug report: Missing detections on an upload batch where detection was run


It looks like those were imported on 9/30/2020, so I’m not sure what may have happened back then to prevent their successful detection. I just reissued them to detection and now see 53/53 having been sent to IA.

Results from detection should be done in a few minutes.


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That’s terrific, thanks so much @jason. but I didn’t intend to have anyone work on the weekend, so my apologies. Please go back to your life!