Missing detections on an upload batch where detection was run

In which Wildbook did the issue occur? ACW

What operating system were you using? Win 10

What web browser were you using? latest chrome

What is your role on the site? admin & researcher

What happened?
Checked an entire sighting and all encounters have no annotations
I’ve just checked another sighting from that same upload batch and it also doesn’t have any annotations on any of the media assets: https://africancarnivore.wildbook.org/imports.jsp?taskId=59823b64-4ca2-4486-bb62-e00908d6db8c

I checked the import task and it shows that IA was run on that upload: https://africancarnivore.wildbook.org/imports.jsp?taskId=59823b64-4ca2-4486-bb62-e00908d6db8c

What did you expect to happen?
Detection to have created annotations on at least the majority of images uploaded in this batch

Is there a way Wild Me can find any other batches where this may have occurred? Or do I have to go and manually open each batch previously uploaded? If so, would it be confined to a particular upload date? or do I need to check all uploads to date?


Hi, Maureen!
I’m definitely seeing what you’re seeing.
I’ve confirmed that the iaClass for these encounters is null, but I haven’t quite cracked why yet.

As for whether we’ll be able to re-run those automatically, it may depend on the nature of the problem. I’ll follow up and let you know either way.

The issue is currently being tracked with ticket WB-1460.

hi @MarkF - I think maybe I should just delete the old import batch and then re-upload & re-run detection? If the problem recurs then I can leave it for you to investigate but at this point I think this will be the fastest and simplest resolution for our researcher. Would that be okay?


Hi, Maureen!

I’m okay with that! Thanks for checking in first!

@MarkF - just to confirm, when I delete the Import Task - it only deletes the metadata, not the images? Or does it delete the images as well? When I re-import, I don’t want to risk creating duplicates. thanks

Hi, Maureen!
I just asked Jason Holmberg, and he said,
“Deletes the database records of the images but not the images on disk” and followed up by clarifying that this won’t be duplication problem.

Hi @MarkF - I deleted the batch that was missing detection, re-uploaded and re-ran detection and it worked! Phew! So I think we can close this issue. If it happens again, I’ll post it again.
