What Wildbook are you working in?
Amphibian and Reptile Wildbook
What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?
Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?
when I imported 1499 photos in bulk and added them to the project “Uni Bielefeld - Adults Kottenforst”, some encounters were also added to other projects in the ARW such as “B. Variegata Norther Hills Recapturs”. I wanted to remove the bulk import logs and import tasks. However, now most of the "Uni Bielefeld - " projects are gone? I have not clicked on delete in any project, just in the bulk import log.
I also noticed that photos by Paul.Bachhausen were added to many different projects- likely the same error?
It has alway been exactly 20 encounters that were added to each project in the ARW that also (seemingly) contained mistakenly added photos by Paul.Bachhausen.
Can you provide steps on how to reproduce what you’re experiencing?
see above
If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to services@wildme.org with the email subject line matching your bug report
I did a database restart this morning as it looks like the database was in a locked state. I see the site functioning normally now. You should likely retry your tests.
As an admin you should be able to see them in the project list. I’m hoping the database restart has restored this view for you.
when I imported 1499 photos in bulk and added them to the project “Uni Bielefeld - Adults Kottenforst”, some encounters were also added to other projects in the ARW such as “B. Variegata Norther Hills Recapturs”.
Can you please provide example links to these?
I also noticed that photos by Paul.Bachhausen were added to many different projects- likely the same error?
Hi @jason ,
I have started a new bulk import of the photos and added 1499 encounters to the project “Project: Uni Bielefeld - Adults Kottenforst”
I did that at around 10pm UTC+2. Because of the recent problem, I checked the other projects if there were any encounters of my bulk import imported to the other projects. Everything was fine.
I have checked the projects again this morning and now it seems that the same 20 encounters were added to other projects in my list as well. For example:
I wonder if this has something to do with the IA that was running over night? Is there a fast way to remove my inadvertently added photos from all the other projects but “Project: Uni Bielefeld - Adults Kottenforst”?
Hi @jason ,
I have removed the encounters from the other projects in order to not confuse anyone.
I’ve had a look at the meta-data of bulk import log and it seems the 20 encounters added to all projects were clones from other encounters without annotation:
When two animals are found in an image (or the detector thinks it finds more than one animal, hence two bounding box annotations are created), the Encounter is cloned to another encounter, and each new encounter holds only one annotation. Thus the definition of an Encounter (one animal at a point in time) is preserved, and each cloned Encounter should hold one of the multiple annotations. If during that cloning process the original Encounter is part of a project, the cloned Encounter and annotation should be too.
However, I just found a bug in our cloning code for the project (new change) that puts the clone ina ll projects. Yuck.
Cool. Those 20 clones being is the one project is the system as designed. The clones occur when multiple annotations occur in a single image, forcing the system to clone Encounters to satisfy the definition of Encounter of “one animal at a point in time and location”. Those 20 encounters should only be deleted if they truly do not have annotations of animals in them.