Annotations speed

Within Sharkbook, when we upload an encounter sometimes it takes only a matter of minutes for the system to generate an annotation automatically, but others are taking weeks.

In this example it has taken more than 2 weeks and still says “Still waiting for detection”:

How long should we wait? My concern is that if I manually add an annotation it will clone the encounter and then I will end up with two encounters in the system which is annoying.

Any tips or is this a bug?

Another example of the speed. I am trying to analyse results of shark matches and sharkbook appears to have slowed to a snail pace. This is what it says when I ask it for the match results:

“Waiting for results. There are currently 80 ID jobs in the bulk import queue. Time per job is averaging 507 minutes based on recent matches. Your time may be much faster or slower.”

Detection should only take a few minutes. I’d recommend manually annotating this one since I can only force detection when it’s a bulk import, not a manual upload. Since there’s no original annotation, you don’t have to worry about a cloned encounter. And even if it did mysteriously decide to clone itself, you can go to the Data Integrity page and click on Find Annotations Duplicated in Two or More Encounters to find and delete it.

The Sharkbook queue is currently empty, but ID times can vary depending on how many other jobs are running at once, and the size of the image assets in those imports.