What Wildbook are you working in?
What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?
Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?
User Hannes.Egle (researcher) imported a bulk import, but “send to identification” does not show. With my account (orgadmin) I can see and choose location and send to identification. Pictures are not detected.
Can you provide steps on how to reproduce what you’re experiencing?
If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to services@wildme.org with the email subject line matching your bug report
Users need orgAdmin privileges or admin privileges to see those functions. Please go ahead and kick off send to detection (or identification) for the user or give them the needed priveleges.
I am sorry but I don’t think I understand this correctly. I have now created a test account with researcher rights and used bulk import to upload pictures for location KoVK (Tuempel KoVK, Amphibian and Reptile Wildbook | Login). I am not able to send the pictures like this to identification nor to find them under “encounter search”. How are the user of the software then able to match their images? This is the same problem that occurs for our user Hannes.Egle.
A user will need the orgAdmin role (in addition to the researcher role) on their account in order to kick off bulk detection and ID from a bulk import:
Sorry for the confusion. We do have users that have only researcher rights but have projects where they have already matched their images. Has there been a change in the right?
If we would give admin rights to our users, they would be able to see and work on projects which are not theirs, as well, which we would like to avoid.
Please note the difference between “orgAdmin” and “admin” privileges. orgAdmin can manage other users if they’re in the same organization (something we have to make on our end). orgAdmin does not make a user a full administrator.
Hello, I think I am experiencing the same problem: I have finally managed to upload all the pictures with the excel sheet and it seems to be correct. However, I cannot start the identification process. How should I proceed?
Hi Xenia,
For now, I have sent all your pictures to identification so that you can start working. You should now be able to assign them to your projects and start matching.
Best, Laura
Hi Laura,
thank you very much!
I am getting "Computer Vision Status: identification requests sent (see table below for links to each matching job). Each ID job in the queue is currently averaging a turnaround time of 35 minutes. when I open the Bulk Report via Bulk Report Logs. So this means I will have to wait some days until the identification has run through before I can start looking at the results via “Manage Projects”, right?
Best, Xenia
@Jason, I checked your manual again and created a test user with researcher and orgadmin rights. This is what we need for our normal users. Thank you for your help!
I tried, but I am not sure if it doesn’t work or if I’m making a mistake.
So I added the encounters of my bulk report to the project “Kaesenbachtal” (before you send them to identification) and if I open it via Administer > Manage Projects it says, there is 0% identified.
When I open it, I see a table with the encounters and I can click “Start Match” but after the “Matching jobs have been initiated”, it says “Identification Status: error”.
The 0.0% annotations identified is correct for now as you have not matched anything yet.
And yes the steps are correct, you click start match, then match results and then view.
I checked your uploads. The encounters are saying “still waiting for detection”
There are currently 409 ID jobs in the queue. They’re averaging about 90 seconds to complete per job, but they run in serial, so you’re looking at about 10 more hours for all of the jobs to complete.