What Wildbook are you working in?
Amphibian and reptile wildbook not accessible
What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?
Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?
Yesterday I have uploaded some pictures and sent them to identification. It took incredible long to have one picture identified. Today I wanted to check if the process was done but now the webpage is not accessible
Can you provide steps on how to reproduce what you’re experiencing?
If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to services@wildme.org with the email subject line matching your bug report
I have restarted the server, and it is now responding again. The computer vision queue looks empty with no reported errors. It looks like a lot of detection jobs occurred yesterday.
Here I don’t want to match against a specific location, only against all pictures in this project which is why I have not chosen a location before (location ID for this location is not in the system). But that shouldn’t be the problem, or?
Please hold off using the system temporarily. There is a big back log of bad identification jobs running through the server, and each is eating up database connections. We need to let these all error out, and then we can see what is wrong with the data that is causing bad ID jobs to be sent.
has now been run through detection and resent to ID.
Please resume using the system and let me know if you see the server lock up again. If you do see it lock up, please let me know what project or bulk import you were working on.
Identification seems to work now. Now I don’t get a match “no data to match against”. I have about 77 pictures in the project (Amphibian and Reptile Wildbook | Login) and the larvae I am trying to match is a known recapture. First it says “Waiting for results. The machine learning queue is working.” for a very long time and then does not give me results
A quick note about the message above: “No data to match against, please refine your matching parameters.” This is not an error but rather the system reporting that for the match slected (generally against a specific region/locationID) there were no annotations found to match against. We see this most often when we try to match against an area for which there is no data for that species at the selected viewpoint. Refining the query to a different or higher area generally resolves this issue as more data then could potentially be matchable.
Hi Jason,
Thanks for the tip, however, I am not sure if I understand correctly, because I was trying to match fire salamander larvae all with the same GPS coordinates in the same project. And with known recaptures in the project with 77 pictures. Then this shouldn’t occur, or?