Assistance with My Wildbook Account

What Wildbook are you working in?

  • Amphibian and Reptile Wildbook

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?

  • I need assistance regarding my Wildbook account. Some time ago, I created a second account because I had forgotten the login details for my first account and could no longer access it.

As part of my bachelor’s thesis, I have started mapping fire salamanders in Germany. Uploading individual encounters has gone smoothly. However, during some sessions, I found over 200 animals and would like to utilize the mass import function.

The data upload and the “Send to detection” function have been successful. Unfortunately, I am now being informed that my inactive first account supposedly uploaded the data, which prevents me from accessing the mass import feature. So far, I have not found a solution or explanation for why Wildbook associates the mass import with my inactive first account.

I would greatly appreciate any help with this issue.

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,

Hi @Christina.Schnepper

I’m sorry to head about the trouble you’ve had accessing your data. This would be easier to troubleshoot if I could take a look at your bulk import spreadsheet. Can you email it to so we can take a look?

Thanks for sending your spreadsheet!

We don’t delete inactive accounts and I didn’t find any other accounts associated with your name or email address. The cause of you not being able to edit your imported encounters is that you didn’t enter your ARW username in the Encounter.submitterID field, your entered your name instead.

One other thing: the Encounter.livingStatus field will only accept one of 2 entries: alive or dead

You’ll want to:

  1. Delete this bulk import
  2. Update the Encounter.submitterID field in your spreadsheet to “Christina.Schnepper”
  3. Delete all “unknown” entries under Encounter.livingStatus since it will only accept "alive or “dead”. These cells can be left blank when you’re unsure.
  4. Import your updated spreadsheet